Strip Tillage and Banding/Stripping Nutrients

A week of weather that feels a lot more like spring was a great change of pace. For us that meant the roads were finally clear and we could make some long-awaited deliveries. Everyday this week, we had trucks here, there and everywhere delivering equipment and bringing trades back here for resale. We were in southern Ohio, western Indiana, northern Ohio and several spots in between. Yesterday, we had 4 trucks on the road at one time making deliveries. Grandpa Jim, Gary, Adam, and Cody were all part of the delivery team We are starting to get more and more planter projects coming in to build tanks, or redball kits, so now is the time if you are in need of an install..


I uploaded a video to YouTube highlighting our recent trade ins. Banding nutrients has been a hot item lately. Whether it be via strip till bar, Yetter Magnum coulters, Yetter Nutrient Pros or the 2996 parallel, these have all been very popular items as of late. Guys are wanting to place nutrients more accurately, so it is in a position to best feed the crop.


Be sure to tune into our YouTube Channel. Have a great weekend, and feel free to call 419-942-3512.

Dawn Pluribus strip tillThis Dawn Pluribus strip till 16 row 3 point toolbar is coming together nicely. This unit, mounted on a Yetter Toolbar, will be headed to New York soon.
Salford vertical tillageThis Salford 1231 headed west yesterday. This customer traded in a 25' Horsch Joker on this Salford vertical tillage tool.


View Our Inventory


This Dawn Pluribus strip till 16 row bar that we are building in the shop is turning out really nice. Watch the video below to learn more about it.

Check out the video below to see what recent used farm equipment we have on the lot right now.

The Talkin' Shed Podcast by Fennig Equipment

Tips For Improvements On Your Planter This Spring

This week Cody and I talked about what went on this week, several deliveries, a lot of shop projects, hot topics right now, and some tips for making last minute planter improvements.


Strip Tillage and Banding/Stripping Nutrients

Over the past 6 months you have seen a lot of videos and projects that revolve around the banding and zone placement of nutrients. This is nothing new, and it is a topic that has been popular for a while now, but even more so in the past couple of years. Strip till has certainly been a big part of this, but also the popularity of products like the Yetter Magnum, the Nutrient Pro 4000, Yetter 2996 and others making it easy to build a bar for precise placement of nutrients. Below are some videos of products and projects that can help get your mind going about a bar that fits your banding/stripping needs.


New YouTube Videos This Week

We are continuing to add new and fresh content every week to keep our customers engaged with what we are up to. Enjoy these recent videos. We currently have 3,010 YouTube subscribers. Help us reach 4,000 by subscribing today!


Click Here to See Our Youtube Channel

What's Going On In The Shop?

Yetter Nutrient Pro 4000 This Yetter Nutrient Pro 4000 bar and units is going to band dry pelletized chicken litter.
BBI SpreaderOur trucks traveled here there and everywhere this week to get units delivered and trades brought back to the shop.
BBI GrasshopperThis single axle BBI Grasshopper HDR spreader arrived Monday. The crane came in handy to assist with this unload.
42' Neville tender trailerThings are coming together on this 42' Neville trailer.

Used Items This Week

used Newton Crouch fertilizer and lime spreader
used Newton Crouch fertilizer spreader for sale

This week we have a used Newton Crouch fertilizer/ lime spreader

Hydraulic spinners, PTO web, walking tandem axle, 304 stainless body




Unit is located at our Celina, Ohio location.


Call 419-942-3512 for more details.