The week between Christmas and New Years is always an interesting one. A short week but a very busy one with last minute deals to close the year. We had a few items sell on Auctiontime this week, one headed for Illinois and one headed for Missouri. We also sent Yetter CC strip till units to Nebraska and some Magnum Nh3 units to Nebraska as well. Prep work has begun on Ft. Wayne farm show displays. We plan to have a Deutz Tractor in the lot this year so that will be nice. Fertilizer spreaders have really gained traction as of late as we sold 2 this week with several prospects across the country. We are getting close to moving into the new warehouse so soon your parts and order pickups will be at the new facility. We recorded a new podcast with Jeff Wherley this week so be sure to tune into that! Of course the Buckeyes play tonight so Go Bucks!
Be sure to tune into our YouTube Channel. Have a great weekend, and feel free to call 419-953-8500.

A big 1241 was just finished in the shop this week before being delivered to a customer near our Nova, OH store.
The Talkin' Shed Podcast by Fennig Equipment

In this episode, we are joined by Jeff Wherley with Yetter Mfg as we talk about a few Yetter products that can really move the needle on your farm. We cover strip till, new products and some upcoming farm shows. Never a dull moment with Jeff on the line!
Solutions for Tending Liquid
Transporting liquid whether it be water, 28 or hot loads can take up a lot of time and put a halt to efficiency if not done right. These projects and items have been very popular in the past few years because of the huge impact they can make on your farm. Whether you already have a tender trailer, and it just needs customized or you need a new trailer, and we can work with you to get it done right. We also offer bumper pull 1200 and 1600 gallon tender trailers as well.
New YouTube Videos This Week
We are continuing to add new and fresh content every week to keep our customers engaged with what we are up to. Enjoy these recent videos. We currently have 2,170 YouTube subscribers. Help us reach 3,000 by subscribing today!
Click Here to See Our Youtube Channel
- Another Custom Built Tender Trailer
- Are You Properly Managing This Tough Corn Residue?
- Salford C Shank 550 Field Cultivator
- How to Plumb a Split 2x2 Fertilizer System
What Are We Up To? Assemblies & Installs

Used Items This Week

This week we have a used DMI 30' Crumbler. We got this unit in yesterday after the trade swap and got it pictured. This is a very clean well kept roller. The bars are straight and bearings are good.
Asking $6,500
Call 419-953-8500 for more information.