Our TruTrail Coulter Highlighted in Beck's PFR Meetings

We spent the week in Fort Wayne alongside thousands of farmers and customers, and it was a great week. That is always a good home town show where customers gather from many states, and we get to talk about products, past purchases, and plans for the future.


Our shop guys were just as busy as we were as Elliot and Brent traveled to Tennessee to install a cover crop seeder. We shipped a Salford tool to PA and started on a new tender trailer project. We have been busy both on the sales and the shop side of things the past few weeks, and we are now just a few months away from growing crops again. Grains saw a boost this week, live cattle, eggs, and dairy are also bright spots in commodities.


I had a lot of people say at the show that they watch our videos, and we appreciate that! We continue to put out valuable content that can help growers across the country use us as a resource for information to further their operation.


Monday the Buckeyes take on the Fighting Irish in the National Championship game, you can bet the Buckeye state will be tuning into that.


Be sure to tune into our YouTube Channel. Have a great weekend, and feel free to call 419-942-3512.

Valmar seederThis week we headed south to Tennessee to install a Valmar seeder on a Fast Dura Placer toolbar.
Halo VRTThis 25' Halo VRT was loaded up and delivered to PA this week.


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Becks has been highlighting our TruTrail fertilizer coulter in their PFR meetings. This is a super heavy duty coulter that is designed for deep placement of liquid 28. Double springs, double parallel arms, it pulls straight with very little stress. Learn more about the TruTrail fertilizer coulter in the video below.

The Talkin' Shed Podcast by Fennig Equipment

Triple Demo Day In Michigan

This episode was recorded on our way home from a huge demo day we did with strip till and Salford tillage. Tune in as we recap the day.


A Sucessful Ft. Wayne Farm Show

Fennig Equipment booth at Fort Wayne Farm Show

We had a great week in Fort Wayne visiting with hundreds of customers from all across the country. A great crowd gathered on all 3 days for a farm show that was very well attended. Thank you to everyone who came out to visit. We will be busy shipping orders this next week. Closing wheels, Yetter devastators, and many other parts were popular this week. Next up is Louisville farm show.

people talking at Fort Wayne Farm showyoung boys standing in front of Fennig Equipment booth at Ft. Wayne farm show

New YouTube Videos This Week

We are continuing to add new and fresh content every week to keep our customers engaged with what we are up to. Enjoy these recent videos. We currently have 2,950 YouTube subscribers. Help us reach 3,000 by subscribing today!


Click Here to See Our Youtube Channel

What Are We Up To? Assemblies & Installs

Kinze 2600This Kinze 2600 is getting a full makeover in the shop. New Yetter row cleaners, new Yetter poly spikes, RK gauge wheel arms, RK weld on closing wheels kit.
Neville tender trailerThis Neville trailer is the next tender trailer project we are starting on. It will be getting tanks and accessories soon.
Case 920This Case 920 is getting a Raven rate controller before it heads for Greensburg, IN.
ladder and platform kits for tender trailerAll of the ladder and platform kits come in several pieces. Nathan is working on building 10 of these right now.

Used Items This Week

used Hardi Navigator 4000 Sprayer
used Hardi Navigator for sale

This week we have a used Hardi Navigator 4000 Sprayer: 90' booms, 6 section control, adjustable axles, and triple nozzle bodies. This is a very clean and well kept 2021 sprayer.




Call 419-942-3512 at our Celina store for more details.