Rain Rain Rain. Most of the midwest is wet with no sign of drying anytime soon, and most of you are well aware of that. With around 50% of harvest complete in most areas, it will get interesting getting the remaining 1/2 into the bins. It really puts a halt to our field demo trials and strip tilling we had planned for Fall. Hopefully we can find a window in early November for an Indian Summer. For us, we have been doing some testing of new versions of strip till units. Read more about that below. This week we did not travel real far, just several local service trips and smaller installs. Our shop is busy putting together new tools and fixing up trades to be field ready for next year. We uploaded a few new YouTube videos this week. Be sure to check those out over the weekend.
Have a great weekend, and feel free to call 419-953-8500.

The Talkin' Shed Podcast by Fennig Equipment
Wisconsin Bound! Ride Along Ss We Talk Input Prices
Yes that is right. We are headed to the cheese state to install another cover crop seeder! Tractor Central called us up because one of their customers watched our Youtube channel and saw a seeder mounted on a Deere 2660 VT 30 tool. So we loaded the trailer and we are going to have another happy customer with a Valmar. Listen in as we talk about fertilizer application trends we see happening specifically in Nh3.
We Put a Shank on a Yetter CC Unit.
And it worked! We talked in our last strip till video about how versatile this unit is. Being a coulter only unit from the factory, it can create fall strips, and spring strips and fully adjustable to meet any situation. We have had some customers ask if a shank could be added to make it the ultimate unit. The answer is now yes. A unit that can be a Spring only coulter unit or switch over to the shank for Fall deep fertilizer banding and compaction removal.Recent In-Stock Inventory
Things have been moving fast, and we are working hard to keep inventory in stock for customers to have the equipment they need. Used Yetter Magnums, new Yetter cab control strip till units, a Case IH 2800 applicator, Enduraplas tanks, and more! Call today to get the parts you need to keep going. We likely have it in stock.
New YouTube Videos This Week
We are continuing to add new and fresh content every week to keep our customers engaged with what we are up to. Enjoy these recent videos. We currently have 1.08K YouTube subscribers, help us reach 2,000 by subscribing today!
Click Here to See Our Youtube Channel
- Salford 5200 Enforcer In Cornstalks
- The Latest Yetter Stalk Devastator Design In Stock
- Salford C Shank Cultivator
- We Put a Mole Knife on the Yetter CC Strip Till Unit
What Are We Up To? Assemblies & Installs

Used Items This Week
2008 30' Salford 570 RTS VT tool with 6056 cover crop seeder that has an ISO rate controller on it.
Located in Coldwater, OH
Call 419-953-8500 today for more information!