Calmer Stalk Rolls vs Yetter Devastator

Corn has been slow to dry while most of the beans have been cut, and double crops are finally starting to turn. We are approaching the part of fall where moisture stays around a lot longer than it did in August and we never know when we may just stay wet until a freeze. We tackled a few tillage demos on the VRT side this week.


Be sure to tune into our YouTube Channel. Have a great weekend, and feel free to call 419-953-8500.

farmers holding bags of lunchAnother happy group after we brought them lunch on Tuesday.
salford 2224Adam traveled to Redkey to help the Johnsons get their 2224 and seeder going to seed wheat. There is a video now on Youtube!



The Talkin' Shed Podcast by Fennig Equipment

people standing next to caught fishDave Gunkelman Fishing Stories

We mostly talk about Salford tools in this episode, but we did go fishing with Lee and Dave this summer. We razz on Dave frequently because he was the only one of us that lost his lunch over the boat! A great episode talking Salford tools.

Calmer Stalk Rolls vs Yetter Devastator

The title of this section is actually a trick but a common question I get. "I have calmer stalk rolls so I shouldn't need the Yetter devastator". Not true. These 2 great products both manage different parts of the stalk. The calmer rolls do a great job of chopping up the top 3/4 of the stalk, while the devastator comes through and manages what the calmer leaves, the bottom 1/4. These great products should be ran in conjunction with each other to maximize residue breakdown with the corn head.


New YouTube Videos This Week

We are continuing to add new and fresh content every week to keep our customers engaged with what we are up to. Enjoy these recent videos. We currently have 2,080 YouTube subscribers, help us reach 3,000 by subscribing today!


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What Are We Up To? Assemblies & Installs

Valmar 4056 seederWe had a crew head to Indiana yesterday to install a Valmar 4056 seeder on a Krause Excellerator.
VRT tool on trailerMore VRT tools arrived this week.
VRTThis 35' VRT got taken up north for a demo on Monday.

Used Items This Week

used Salford RTS with Valmar 6056 cover crop seeder
Salford RTS for sale
Valmar 6056 cover crop seeder for sale


This week we have a used 30' Salford RTS with Valmar 6056 cover crop seeder mounted on top of it. A great tool to seed cover crops and wheat but also make a seedbed ahead of the planter in the spring.


This unit is located at our Wabash store on State Route 29.


Call 419-953-8500 for more information.